The safeguarding and protection of children in our care is paramount at Early Days Nursery.​
If you notice any safeguarding concerns regarding any children or staff on our nursery premises whilst on your visit, please notify Gina Chamberlain or Tracey Webb, our Nursery Safeguarding Designated Leads. Tehey will document your concerns and report them on your behalf.
Alternatively, you can call:
LCSS (Locality & Community Support Service) on 0345 241 2608
MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub), the team that any concerns might be referred to, on 0345 050 7666
LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer), the service for reporting any concerns regarding any staff within the nursery. Please contact Alison Beasley on 01865 815956
Our full Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is available for all parents to see in our Entrance Corridor (as well as in our Parent Zone).
Gina Chamberlain
Early Days' Safeguarding Lead
Tracey Webb
Early Days' Safeguarding Lead