Here is a selection of frequently asked questions we are asked about the nursery but do feel free to pick up the phone and ask some more!
When my child starts at Early Days, what is the settling in process?
You arrange a visit where parents/carers stay with their child to get to know the nursery and their key person. Additional visits will be arranged when you are happy to leave your child in our care, increasing in length. It is all shaped around your child’s specific needs.
What do you provide for breakfast?
We serve a healthy breakfast freshly prepared each morning, with options that rotate to give a variety. For example, cereal or porridge with fresh fruit, fruit juice or warm or cold milk, followed bagels or wholewheat toast with marmite or jam.
Are siblings allowed to see each other during the day?
Yes. We encourage it especially if it helps younger siblings settle in seeing their older sibling. They may go through to the big class to say hello and play outside together. At the beginning and end of each day we also have family time during breakfast and tea.
How do you prepare children in Owls for school?
In addition to the EYFS Curriculum, there are many events and activities for children aged 4 years old to prepare them for school. For example, weekly visits to woodland school, group time activities based around early reading skills, letter sounds, number skills and class themes, the Christmas and Spring Concert and Sports Day at the end of the year.
I understand the Government offers funding for nursery care. Can you tell me more.
Government funding is available for 2 year olds of working parents/disadvantaged 2 year olds meeting certain eligibility criteria (to be extended to those from 9 months old in September 2024) as well as all 3 and 4 year olds. Funding is offered within the Department of Education guidelines and parents are encouraged to apply and check their funding eligibility through the Government website at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk. Early Days does offer both 15 and 30 hour funding places at our setting. Full information about funding and how it works at Early Days will be shared with prospective parents as part of our Welcome Pack.